Effective Speaking
The Squadron participates in the Air Cadet League's Effective Speaking program. In this program, cadets learn about public speaking, and how to do so in an effective manner. The aims of the program are to:
To provide an opportunity for Air Cadets to increase their self confidence; and increase their ability to reason, organize and express ideas;
To promote the citizenship component of local squadron training;
To provide a focus at the Local, Regional/Wing, Provincial/Territorial, and National levels, to promote and encourage Air Cadets to participate in an optional activity that will provide them with an opportunity to acquire effective speaking skills through instruction and practice in a structured and competitive environment;
To increase public awareness regarding the citizenship and leadership aspects of the Air Cadet program at the national, provincial and local levels.

Cadets will participate in classes learning about effective speaking fundamentals and practicing prepared speeches. Cadets will then have the opportunity to compete at the Squadron level, with two cadets participating in the Regional competition.
The winner of the Regional competition goes on to the Provincial competition, with the winner of that competition going to Nationals.
Cadets interested in participating may contact CV V. Bradford
Meetings are held on Friday evenings.
The winner of the Regional competition goes on to the Provincial competition, with the winner of that competition going to Nationals.
Cadets interested in participating may contact CV V. Bradford
Meetings are held on Friday evenings.
This squadron participates in the Air Cadet League Debate Program. Cadets gain the passion and confronting their fears of public speaking to move on to regional, provincial and national competitions. From gold to bronze medals, all Cadets have the opportunity to learn and grow in their debating and public speaking skill. Participation in Debating brings proficiency, verbal dexterity and artful pontification that will serve them well. This program offers cadets the benefits of developing confidence, public speaking skills, leadership and citizenship.
As part of the team, cadets will get the chance to go to a Provincial Competition. Here they will be competing with squadron's from all over Ontario. The winner of the Provincial Competition becomes the Top Air Cadet Debate Team in Ontario. Second and Third place are given as well, along with other awards for the individual debaters.
364 RCACs is not sponsoring a Debate Team this year.
As part of the team, cadets will get the chance to go to a Provincial Competition. Here they will be competing with squadron's from all over Ontario. The winner of the Provincial Competition becomes the Top Air Cadet Debate Team in Ontario. Second and Third place are given as well, along with other awards for the individual debaters.
364 RCACs is not sponsoring a Debate Team this year.