364 Squadron has extracurricular teams that cadets are encouraged to join. Joining a team offers cadets the opportunity for travel, competition and fun! All practices take place on Sunday mornings. If you would like to join a team, please contact the officer-in-charge (OIC).
Our Squadron has a brass and reed marching band. We actively seek new band members, even those without prior music knowledge. Participation in the band is a great way to make new friends, learn something new and have fun! This also opens doors to exciting 2, 3 and 6-week summer courses where you can fine-tune your craft.
OPI: CV S. Roberts
OPI: CV S. Roberts
Drill Teams
The Squadron has two precision drill teams: drill with arms and drill without arms. Drill is the fundamental aspect of any cadet unit. The drill teams take that skill and develop hard-work, determination and an eye for detail in team members through creative and closely choreographed drill routines. You will build close bonds with teammates and compete in area competitions. In the 2013 and 2014 season, the drill team with arms won the Western Ontario Area competition and placed 4th overall in the province, well done!
OPI: Capt J. Roberts
OPI: Capt J. Roberts
Do you like air rifles? Are you interested in some challenge? Join the Marksmanship team! 364 Squadron's marksmanship team will be scouting for some talent to join the team at the open shoots.
OPI: CI C. Topliffe
OPI: CI C. Topliffe
Flag Party
The Flag Party is a ceremonial team that is responsible for the carrying of the flags during parades. The Flag Party also has the duty of raising the national flag during regular training nights. Members for the team are recruited each year and only the cadets with exceptional drill, dress and deportment are selected for this responsibility.