Select Policies
All cadets are subject to the Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs); instructions to access those can be found on the resources page. In addition to the CATOs, all cadets are also subject to the Squadron's standing orders. A few select policies are outlined below:
Attendance: Why it's important
An absence is when a cadet misses a mandatory event (or optional event that the cadet has already committed to) without being excused. In order to be excused a cadet must inform the Squadron of the reason prior to the event. When planning on being absent for an event, a cadet must be excused. Absences and excess excused absences will affect opportunities for promotion, awards, opportunities within the Squadron and summer camp acceptance. Furthermore, excess consecutive absences will result in a cadet's automatic termination from the Squadron.
Mandatory events include, but are not limited to: regular training nights on Tuesdays, the Annual Ceremonial Review, the Battle of the Atlantic parade, the Battle of Britain parade and the Remembrance Day parade.
Electronic devices
Cadets are not to be in possession of any electronic devices during any cadet events. The Squadron will not be responsible for any lost or damaged devices. A telephone is available to cadets in the administration office.
Attendance: Why it's important
An absence is when a cadet misses a mandatory event (or optional event that the cadet has already committed to) without being excused. In order to be excused a cadet must inform the Squadron of the reason prior to the event. When planning on being absent for an event, a cadet must be excused. Absences and excess excused absences will affect opportunities for promotion, awards, opportunities within the Squadron and summer camp acceptance. Furthermore, excess consecutive absences will result in a cadet's automatic termination from the Squadron.
Mandatory events include, but are not limited to: regular training nights on Tuesdays, the Annual Ceremonial Review, the Battle of the Atlantic parade, the Battle of Britain parade and the Remembrance Day parade.
Electronic devices
Cadets are not to be in possession of any electronic devices during any cadet events. The Squadron will not be responsible for any lost or damaged devices. A telephone is available to cadets in the administration office.