We have been fortunate to find a space to accommodate our squadron directly on the Windsor International Airport property in a former hangar donated to the squadron, but owning our own property comes at a cost. The SSC is always looking for community members and partners to help us maintain and renovate our training facilities and assist the Squadron in delivering a dynamic, exciting and educational training program to our youth.
There are many ways you can help!
If you run a business or know someone who does, consider becoming an official 364 Sponsor. To explore the possibility, please contact our Treasurer at [email protected]
DONATIONS can be made directly to the squadron by cash or cheque at the Squadron HQ, on-line through or by e-transfer to [email protected]. Donations of $500 or more can be recognized on our donor wall, which is located in our lobby.
FUNDSCRIP permits you to order gift cards online for personal use or to give away. A percentage of the cost of each gift card comes to squadron in the form of a donation.
To go directly to the Fundscrip donation page control-click on the following link Invitation Code: 96L7C5
Purchase 50/50 tickets each month for your chance to win big and support the squadron at the same time. Purchase tickets using the following link and choose Windsor 364 at check out.
364 MERCH STORE (Currently under renovation. Check back later.)
Allows cadets, family members, alumni and members of the public to purchase quality merchandise that shows support for the squadron and provides funding to the cadets at the same time.
TAG DAYS occur twice per year. You will see local cadets in public spaces soliciting direct donations. Please be generous when you see them.
We hold bottle drives the Saturday after each major holiday. Consider asking friends, neighbours and family to help out as well. In addition to our regular major drives, you can drop off in our outdoor donation bin at any time.
Stay tuned for more information
BEQUESTS are an option which will help the squadron carry on into the future. For more information, watch the video below.
There are many ways you can help!
If you run a business or know someone who does, consider becoming an official 364 Sponsor. To explore the possibility, please contact our Treasurer at [email protected]
DONATIONS can be made directly to the squadron by cash or cheque at the Squadron HQ, on-line through or by e-transfer to [email protected]. Donations of $500 or more can be recognized on our donor wall, which is located in our lobby.
FUNDSCRIP permits you to order gift cards online for personal use or to give away. A percentage of the cost of each gift card comes to squadron in the form of a donation.
To go directly to the Fundscrip donation page control-click on the following link Invitation Code: 96L7C5
Purchase 50/50 tickets each month for your chance to win big and support the squadron at the same time. Purchase tickets using the following link and choose Windsor 364 at check out.
364 MERCH STORE (Currently under renovation. Check back later.)
Allows cadets, family members, alumni and members of the public to purchase quality merchandise that shows support for the squadron and provides funding to the cadets at the same time.
TAG DAYS occur twice per year. You will see local cadets in public spaces soliciting direct donations. Please be generous when you see them.
We hold bottle drives the Saturday after each major holiday. Consider asking friends, neighbours and family to help out as well. In addition to our regular major drives, you can drop off in our outdoor donation bin at any time.
Stay tuned for more information
BEQUESTS are an option which will help the squadron carry on into the future. For more information, watch the video below.